Welcome {{ me.first_name | capitalize }}! Here's an overview of your progress:

Your Review Sessions

You have not yet taken any review sessions.

Your Review Sessions

You have successfully completed an exam and received a passing grade of 75% or higher. Click on that exam to print your CE validation document.

Session Review Type # Questions # Questions Accuracy Duration Started Ended
{{ s.session_number }} {{ s.test_type }} {{ s.question_sessions.length }} 5 {{ s.accuracy }}% {{ s.test_session_duration }} {{ s.display_session_start_time }} {{ s.display_session_end_time }}

Exam # {{ selected_session.session_number }}

Exam Type: {{ selected_session.test_type }} Total Questions: {{ ($root.me.id === -1 || $root.me.user) ? guest_test_total_questions : selected_session.question_sessions.length }} Accuracy: {{ selected_session.accuracy }}% Duration: {{ selected_session.test_session_duration }}

{{ (me.claimed_ce_verification == 0) ? 'Congratulations on passing the exam! You may now claim your hard-earned CE Verification.' : 'You have already claimed your CE Verification, but you can reprint if you need!' }}